
I’m Edina, textile surface designer and owner of EDINAVARGA PRINTS from the heart of Berlin.

This is about me…

In Hungary name days are also celebrated in addition to birthdays. On these days too, children receive small gifts.

As always, on one of my name days as a child I devoted my time to drawing. I actually totally forgot that I was celebrated on this day. My mother came to my room and handed me a small package: - Happy name day! I've never been so surprised! In the package there was a set of 24 colored pencils, which I immediately started using. That was one of my best childhood memories.

This little story describes me the best. Art has always been a part of my life. From a young age on I spent my days and nights drawing. This artistic striving led me to a professional path in the design industry. Studies of applied arts and textile design in Hungary were followed by a M.A. degree in fashion design at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in 2017.

My designs reflect my Hungarian personality and culture: they are fresh, funny and colorful. For my artwork, I take inspiration from nature, traditional and contemporary trends, geometric forms, and girl power.

I'm Edina, textile surface designer from Pécs, Hungary. Since 2013 I am living with my husband and cat in Berlin, in Germany, my beloved second homeland.

My designs reflect my Hungarian personality and culture: they are fresh, funny and colorful.

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